Transformation troubles: responding to a new era of change

LexisNexis uncovers the challenges facing SME law firms in its latest Bellwether report, outlining three major threats on the horizon in need of urgent attention.


The post-lockdown boom has restored business confidence for small law firms. Many have seen their financial expectations met and have devised ambitious growth plans, with mergers and acquisitions becoming increasingly attractive.

But a new wave of change is on its way and small law firms will need to move quickly in order to stay afloat. Can small law leaders apply what they’ve learnt in the last 24 months to a new era of transformation? Or will an out-of-the-woods attitude hold them back?

In the tenth edition of the LexisNexis Bellwether report, we explore the triumphs and challenges facing small law firms and solo practitioners.

LCF Law picks Bundledocs for agility and security

LCF Law | Bundledocs |
"Risk and compliance are at the very core of our business, so we need to work with suppliers who understand this and treat it with equal importance," says James Hood, IT director at LCF Law

The advantages of fully customisable software

| SOS Legal |
Cloud-based solutions have garnered significant attention, but firms may require a more personalised approach to their technology to transform with the times