Better from the inside: A video series — part four, “Collaborate”

Bringing others into the heart of processes helps drive that process and instils a greater sense of partnership, says Karl Southern, client advisor at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions. Some of the benefits of collaboration include: fulfilling obligations, saving time, reducing case durations and providing a better service.

Karl Southern|LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions|

It’s easy to think we do processes alone, without assistance from others, particularly those outside your organisation. It doesn’t have to be that way. Process optimisation should work on collaboration in the same way:

  • Do we need to do it? (If so, carry on. If not, bin it).
  • Can we automate it? (Or at the very least, automate telling them they have to do something).
  • Do we have the right person to do the task? (Or could the collaborator do it?).

LCF Law picks Bundledocs for agility and security

LCF Law | Bundledocs |
"Risk and compliance are at the very core of our business, so we need to work with suppliers who understand this and treat it with equal importance," says James Hood, IT director at LCF Law

The advantages of fully customisable software

| SOS Legal |
Cloud-based solutions have garnered significant attention, but firms may require a more personalised approach to their technology to transform with the times